Hello!! Just look at these lovely rainclouds (and lovely Jezzie with mount Meru!) When he arrived home saying it is finished i
thought Jez was getting into Easter – these of course are Jesus’ words: “It is
finished” meaning He had finished being God with skin on, completed His
33 years on earth, experiencing much of our humanity, demonstrating the Kingdom
of Heaven, teaching His friends and loving enemies, restoring a way for man to
walk with God. All that was finished. Halelu-JAH.
What Jez was referring to however was our assignment here in
Tanzania, having completed the four tasks we were set:
- Implement/complete the retrenchment of staff
- Redistribute the assets, including the sale of all the
- See Central Aviation Services established – hanger/contents
officially taken over
- Transition MAF from Dodoma and Dar to Arusha.
It is finished: glory to God.... we hope and pray that this "reset" of MAF Tanzania will mean that many will continue to hear the name of Jesus and be touched by Him. Obviously there is still lots to do and Jez has to finalise a few bits and pieces yet....but what better time of the calendar year to
be able to say “finished”.
We spotted a rare sight: CDM!! We bought some of these from ‘the’ supermarket in town, our
‘token’ chocolate Easter treat: it's labelled "giant buttonS" – plural – but i guess with the
heat they had melted into one... still tasted delicious, a rarity
to have real UK
Cadburys chocolate here: sometimes we have the variety with non-melt additives,
meaning it tastes rather more plastic-ie.... we read the wrapper to see if it
has the tell-tale Arabic writing on and if so we know its the sub-standard variety, sadly. Fussy, no, just
Anyway the ‘one button’ made me consider our One True God
that we and the Jewish community celebrate at this time: Passover ... without which
the Christian community would have no Easter – the passing over of the angel of
death (final plague) and the passing over of the Jordan River into the Promised
Land..... so Happy Pesach to our Jewish friends.
Although understandable
it was so sad that the early Church fathers rather “threw the baby out with the
bath water” so to speak, and lost us much of the Christian community's rich inheritance; if we
only look to the Jewish community we would grasp SUCH an enormous depth to our
Faith. Dianu - sufficient.... don’t get us started on it here tho!
By Sunday we shall have to brush up on our Swahili so we can
say: He is Risen – Risen indeed.

That lovely flower only came into bud this morning and within 5 mins of me photographing it the beastie had eaten the beautiful petals! Found circling above us today were 6 enormous vultures, you'll have to believe me as they're not really visible on this ...but vultures, oh dear...

So after a whole year of blogging about life over here we want to thank you for journey'ing with us....
Now we consider/confirm the next gate to walk with Jesus through....
Next blog, God willing, will be after Bangkok, Jez's birthday and our Papua New Guinea visit: see you mid May we hope!
Jez and Carina xxx
Yesu Amefufuka!! :o)