Friday 11 November 2016

TWO visas and TWO plane tickets

Hello there!

After a long wait and lots of praying we are so pleased to report that these two smiling faces shall be off to Angola next weekend, thank the Lord!  .... and thank you for praying with us.

In Mid October we were kindly invited over to the MAF Canada office to meet the splendid team (approx 18 staff) who so work hard in facilitating 50 Canadian families (plus us as well now!!) in 17 different nations, to serve the Lord through the work of MAF.                                                                                                                                                         Here Jez is working with Lowell Deering, Chief Pilot and Ops Director for the MAF Angola Programme where we are heading off to shortly!   

Whilst across "the pond" we visited Toronto's CN Tower

Niagra Falls were an amazing sight!

Fika time - On our brief return to Portugal to finish up work, studies and pack up our stuff, cousin Barbro and Bo also came over from Sweden for a brief visit.

Then commenced our drive back from warm sunshine to wild, windy, wintery weather... we made the ferry crossing, with the aid of angelic snow ploughs and gritters.

Asher introduces Lily to little JJ who has a wonderful new family! 
So, a final few days remain in Blighty to pack one finalllllll time, see some of our lovely family and friends before our departure! Angola here we come!!  See you from there soon, God willing!

Sending you our fond love,
Jez and Carina xx