Sunday, 30 March 2014

Jez for PM...

Today Jez stepped into his role with MAF as programme, not prime minister. We think God has been preparing him over these years for the role and we look to Him to enable. The job brings together his past employment with Missions, Aviation and Faith 'n' Finances together = MAF!

Look what we have growing in our garden..almost ripe! Banana anyone?

We also have a lemon tree


  1. Glad you're settling in OK. Enjoy the ndizi.....We never really worked out why the lemons, and indeed oranges over there are green but still.

  2. Hope you're settling into your new job Jez. Love the garden! So tropical! Sending you love from Devon :) x

  3. Bet you wish you still had your Bosch lawnmower!
