The road/weather situation has thankfully improved somewhat but this plane - a Caravan 208 - had to come for servicing/new pilot training anyway and the timing worked beautifully in our favour!
Having not seen the contents of these boxes since the end of October it was quite a treat unwrapping the contents of our worldly goods and chattels! Now our bungalow feels like home... its amazing what a few bits 'n' bobs can do eh! Sadly our large and small lasagne, pie and a couple of pyrex dishes didn't survive some part of the journey...not sure I could find the ingredients for Jez's beloved cheesecakes anyway (fresh pineapples, mango, oranges and bananas are a healthier alternative eh!); i was a tad sad to lose a special Marheineke lemon meringue pie dish tho, but it's only a bit of 'stuff,' right?! Interestingly the only goods not to have arrived was the Christmas stuff! Maybe it will turn up one day ...

At home in our living room
We've both had more meetings this week.... to organise closure of the Programme, redistribution of the assets and implement a workable plan, write out job descriptions/proposals, lead a Bible study in the splendid book of James, plan a closing/thanksgiving party for the end of May, for a couple of hundred folk, pastoral times.....

Jez leading one of many meetings
Shopping expedition....

Outside, hunting replacement non-breakables! cooking pot anyone?!

and inside the best stocked 'proper' shop in town - it even has some European foods!
Finally, although the rainy season has been awful for some it is also a blessing to many more: crops need rain, there's malnurishment, even starvation from lack of food ... the countryside looks lush in the glorious. We'll leave you for another week with this picture, taken by one of our pilots on one of our regular medical safaris last week - more another time.
Kwa heri xxx