Is it really December.. it feels like mid-summer?! We've had RAIN - first time since April...wooohooooo; there was a drought here in Dodoma a few years ago where poor folk were actually dying for lack, not 20 mins drive from our house! everyone is de.light.ed to have some heavy downpours!! However I don't suppose we'll be so excited when we notice the scorpions being flushed out from hiding :o(
Anyway hello... you came back! You'd like to see some more of South Sudan then, great..... they're just coming to the end of their rainy season whereas our 'short' rains began, yesterday we trust!!
One of the four MAF Juba pilot's took these super photos.... Chris has discovered that not all flights go to plan, sometimes it necessitates staying overnight in local accommodation, perhaps needing a tractor attempt to pull a plane out of mud or an engineer (somehow) supply a new part.... here he is outside his "tukal"..not an uncommon sight on disputed land, often behind more modern buildings!

Of course he was eager to get home to his family: here is Karyn with bump and little Will on our walk to a nearby orphanage to meet some of MAF's young friends who frequently come to the compound for Bible and language study and simply to receive love, food and some semblance of family life. The girls at CCC are rescued from a dreadful life on the streets, incl prostitution at a shocking and dreadfully young age, many "lived" in the local graveyard - minus any running water, clean or otherwise
You may notice some scaring on this lovely girls' head: although moves have been made to outlaw the brutality still hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese wear tribal markings to differentiate their various groupings... these barbaric cuttings are made to denote 'adulthood' and involve ceremonial cutting with sharp knives at age 15 (tears are forbidden!) and the smashing/extraction of front bottom teeth... at a glance one can spot which person belongs to whom thus recent civil war made it easy for one tribe to butcher another....
On a happier note then maybe I can take you on a simple walk from the MAF Juba (metal/razer-wired) compound gate to the chapati maker at the end of the road, about 500 yards! As previously mentioned, their rainy season is coming to the end, meaning temperatures will soar and dry up the mud, causing the piles and piles of rubbish to rot and stink... without further ado:
We didn't walk very far before seeing crowds of bored, young men who hung around aimlessly, surprisingly tall and thin, the women too, also very, very dark skinned plus a large population of Arabic looking/speaking community too, plus clusters of Indians. A plethora of restaurants exist, pleasing to the enormous ex-pat community, mostly embassy or NGO workers. We navigated our way through curiously dusty or muddy streets, flabbergasted at crater-sized pot holes and rubbish! Here are some random views:
Many folk are striving after peace; its unimaginable the conditions over a million people struggle to survive in, disease tragically ending numerous lives that have already endured/witnessed massacre of family members...we visited a nearby area where fighting recently broke out, thousands fled for their lives.. here's the surrounding areas where a new church as been planted, restoring Hope...
We couldn't be in Biblical "Cush" without seeing the Nile - here are a few photos en route...
Can you read the billboard: I choose non-violence in my relationship. What about you? Promote peace at home. Stop violence against women and girls. AMEN to that!
So, apart from the heat, dust, mud and 'health' concerns we loved our visit to the warm and hospitable Juba team and admire their diligence and stickability... we continue to pray and wait for clarity regarding our next step....join us!
See you next week then we hope, with more news on the sale of the MAF Dodoma properties/assets and where we shall be moving to! Sending our love to you, as always
Jez and Carina xx
P.S. Thank you for praying with us for our look-see and the safe/speedy return of missing luggage!
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