Hi there ... don't you love this picture: "make disciples among all people" says Jesus. Having spent several years with YWAM whose motto is "to know God and make Him known" this caption is thrilling to read, this MAF photo taken many years ago (let me know if you have read "from Jerusalem to Irian Jaya"); what a privilege to work for an organisation who uses planes to make it possible to reach sooooooo many isolated communities in 25 different countries!
So, how has your week been? Here we have been busy meeting, planning and now implementing further ways forward having had Annie from our HR Ashford office and Andrew our East Africa-area finance chappie, shown here.
We're thrilled that our planes are no longer grounded but have taken to the skies, Jarkko flying in the Rufiji region and Kirstein is on a week long "medical safari", flying doctors/nurses from the Haydom hospital out to the isolated communities with life saving expertise. Down south in Mbeya Steve is both working with MAF and Wycliffe, assisting the Bible translators in reaching isolated communities in the Mbeya area.
(Thanks for Andy for this photo)
At home we've been finishing unpacking and boxing up our belongings in the outside store, hoping we've taken the vital things and leaving the extras aside for now ('Christmas', warm clothes, etc.)....we'll give you a wee tour, self explanatory:
These photo's are taken from the SAME point in the middle of our little house, looking in different directions!
Then taking a couple of steps to look outward:

There you are, a tour of our wee place..... and a few photos in the garden if you're interested :o)
Hoping you'll have a splendid weekend. We shall venture forth into the (dust and grime of the) local town: we've heard there's a couple of "real" coffee shops and even a food store or two (rather than relying on little 'shacks' - duka- and the market for all our stuff as we did in good ol' Dodoma!) plus an international Church fellowship as our Kiswahili isn't good enough to glean much from a Tanzanian service!
More next week then. Sending love but no hugs, its too warm ;o)
God bless you,
Jez and Carina xx
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