Thursday, 8 January 2015

On our way ...

A very gooood morning to you for the last time here in Dodoma! We're on the move north to Arusha, via Dar es Salaam on the coast where we plan to take a couple of days break that we didn't manage to take over the bank holidays ..

Half a Swede takes a photo of a final meal here with a Finn, Dane and the lovely Brit of course!

We've been busy dividing MAF's stock between CentralAviationServices and MAF Uganda
Meet the ex-MAF new CAS staff, out on the runway:

The view from our kitchen window that we've enjoyed this past 10 months: 
One of MAF/CAS' customers
Perhaps you can tell that both electricity and internet have proved intermittent and troublesome in writing any mail/blogs this past week - hopefully we'll see you in February, on 4G!  
Thank you for being with us this past year here in Dodoma! 
Asking for Gods blessings on you and sending our love.
See you in Arusha :o)
Jez and Carina xx


  1. Well done you two, a year already. Sonya x

    1. thanks... glory to God.. time flies when we're having fun, eh! x

  2. Yes well done in deed to both of you!...Looking forward to seeing you in Arusha!...
    much love for a smooth transfer.(.if there is such a thing in Africa!!.)..
    Alex and Mark xx

    1. amen.. thanks be to God! karibu Arusha!! xx

  3. Oh, your blog wakens mixed feelings for us: Goodbye Dodoma, our home of 4+ years! Dodoma just won't be the same without the MAF community, it looks so empty now and tugs at the heartstings... BUT it is good to see the new CAS team up and running, with some familiar faces among their staff! All the best with the new season in Arusha- happy new home! with love from Liz :-)

    1. Asante sana Liz.. asante Mungu!! sure it does tug, you invested so much here .. and now are "shining" in Juba...every blessing - no hugs, FAR too hot eh! xx
